Over the last 30+ years, we have developed culture tools, activities, and a simulation whose primary purpose is to engage leaders and employees in creating great organizations with great cultures. More specifically, they facilitate powerful conversations that help individuals, teams, and organizations better understand the current culture, build a shared vision of the culture of the future, and understand their role in creating a great culture.
Culture Tools Our Culture Cards provide a framework and language that helps focus conversations and build shared understanding. The Culture Images provide visual metaphors for culture that help anchor peoples’ perspective allowing for a deep exploration of the current or future culture. The Culture Cards and Images are especially powerful when used together. For example, if the Agility card is selected to describe the future culture, what image best captures what agility looks like and why?
Culture Activities There are several activities available. One of our favorites is the Culture Safari which asks employees to take photos of the culture and use these to build a shared understanding of the current or future culture. Culture Bingo is great if you want a fun way to introduce basic concepts and, of course, there are Culture Energizers which are quick activities designed to add energy to a group while talking about culture. Finally, the HBR Culture Activity is an easy and effective way to engage people in describing the culture the organization needs for the future.
Culture Simulation We all know that the single most important factor influencing culture is the actions of leaders. In the Chocolate Factory Culture Simulation, leaders work in teams to solve a complex business problem under conditions that mirror the real world of most organizations. The way they approach solving the problem reveals behaviors and beliefs that influence culture and, in doing so, leads to insights about the changes that may be needed to execute strategy and fulfill the organization’s purpose. The simulation is fast paced, fun, and engaging making it an experience that leaders remember for years to come.